Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where have you been?

Hello again, blogosphere!  "Where have you been, Captain Craig"?

Well, you're right, the last post was in October.  I've been flying and have had a few "moments" I'd like to write about sometime.  I have also been on twitter, as you can see.  My respectful apologies to Rush Limbaugh listeners, regarding his current troubles and my retweets.  I listened to him in the nineties, but now its just to get my blood pressure up.  And yes, I am an evangelical, born-again Christian.  Anyway, that's not what I'm writing about quickly this morning.

Passion.  Everyone wants it, needs it, and hopefully recognizes when they have it for something and how valuable it is.  When you are excited about something going on in your life so much that you want to take that moment and squeeze it in your fist, as if in childlike faith you could make your passion ooze out of your fingers in exultation, victory, and vibrant life?  That's my street version of passion, and you can have it for many things:  for a spouse or loved one, for God, for a career, for a vocation, for sport, for an activity, for a hobby, for an interest.  When our passion is brought out in what we love, it resonates within us and around us, and that is a good thing.

One of my passions has long been flying, obviously, still is.  I still love catapulting a riveted aluminum pressure tube full of human cargo five miles in the sky at eight miles a mile.  The wonder, beauty, adventure, and challenges flying presents to me always makes for a satisfying experience.  Its what I do, and I believe I am fairly good at it.  But I have other passions as well, and want to share them with you.

Another passion I have is entrepreneurship, specifically in the realm of designing and marketing new products and services.  I've made other attempts at this, but my latest foray is successful, so far.  I'm happy about it, and it has a good deal of untapped potential and market share to gain.  Unfortunately, between airline flying, family time, starting and running the business, and sleep, I've had a difficult time carving out time to blog.  I'd like this to change; maybe I can devote my airline commuting time solely to blogging.

Okay, thanks for waiting, wondering what it is.  Logbook Solutions is the main entity of my LLC, and we serve pilots who use computer based logbooks.  We don't sell software or plan to.  We sell high quality logbook binders and paper, to help pilots to look their best when presenting their logbook at a pilot interview, checkride, or whenever.  An appropriate binder and paper is becoming essential for pilots to maintain their professional image with, while taking full advantage of today's excellent logbook software.  We also have a printing service; a pilot can purchase a binder and paper, and have us professionally print his or her logbook, all at once.  We are planning a logbook conversion service also.  Performing the data entry of a pilot's handwritten logbook into logbook software will be a major time saver for new computer logbook pilots.  To learn more, please visit http://logbooksolutions.com.

The website is basic but clear, I hope.  It needs work, however, and I need help with it.  I need help with other tasks in addition to the website also; logbook conversion services and marketing come to mind.  Interested or know someone who is?  Please contact me at your convenience.
There are other great ideas I am chasing and developing, in the area of PED accessories for personal and aviation uses.  PED = personal electronic devices, BTW.  I can't share very many details here, but these ideas have great potential.  I need business partners and investors, angel investors are desired but not required. 

This blog started out as a passion, one in which I wanted to combine my passion for flying with my passion (which God gave me BTW) for the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.  In my writings I've desired to correlate my flying experiences and adventures to my personal faith life and the scriptures as I understand them.
I'm still going to write, but it will probably be infrequently, due to my other business activities.  This blog would be better served if pilots who had time would participate.  Would you like to write for this blog?  I am inviting passionate pilots of faith to write posts which I will publish on this blog.  It doesn't have to include elements of your faith, but it would be nice.  I prefer to host only pilots who call themselves Christians, by any standard commonly accepted.  I know it sounds non-inclusive, but this is inline with the intent and mission of this blog.  Blogs are free!  If you're a hedonist, free-thinking atheist pilot (extreme example) and want to write, get your own blog!  (And God bless you).

Maybe I will get a few takers, maybe not.  If I do, great!  If not, that's all right too.  Like being an entrepreneur, asking for assistance from complete strangers involves risk taking.  Come to think of it, that is what Jesus and a good 'preacher-man' asks believers to do: take a risk and share your story and faith in Jesus with others.  God bless you, and thanks for reading my blog.